balancing vision and innovation

The Woodmont Company Website

The Woodmont Company is one of the nation’s top firms in the shopping center business, managing more than 125 properties across the United States.

Woodmont approached us with a website that required a major overhaul. Their existing site was outdated and in need of a modern facelift to better reflect their brand image.

They also had an issue with their customers of not being able to easily find information about specific properties as their current site was not easy to use.
We wanted to make the user experience of finding information on a property much easier.

We proposed an interactive property map that would enable users to search for nearby properties, as well as a centralized platform for hosting property information, eliminating the need for constant brochure emailing.

We also reworked the look of the site and brought it into the modern age with modern type, updated photography, and responsive full screen layouts.
© 2021 Jonathan Silverberg